Excess weight in the abdomen and sides — the problem facing young girls and adult women. To purchase slim the waist and relief stomach a correct lifestyle: organize a proper diet, perform exercise at home or in gyms.

To achieve fat burning with the help of special belts. Today more and more women and men in the pursuit of athletic body trying to speed up the process. As an alternative, practicing nutritionists, and fitness trainer I advise you to wear a belt in combination with proper nutrition and exercise.
Recommendations for wearing the belt
People who are overweight and different obesity rates is difficult to perform a long exercise, so for them, nutritionists have developed special diet and advised to wear the belt. Many women and men who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, physical activity is contraindicated. To keep the muscles toned and get rid of the resulting fat, you should try wearing one or more types of belts.
However, there is a group of people who want to have a sport tight stomach, but don't have enough time to visit the gym and performing strenuous exercise — workaholics and young mothers. If you have enough time and energy for daily workouts, I advise you to weigh the benefits of wearing belts and the right methods to fast weight loss.
The efficiency of wearing the belt
Looking is zone for weight loss and given the customer reviews, it seems that you can lose weight on the couch, a doubt, but buying the belt. With regular wearing girdles for weight loss manufacturers promise:
- Enhancing blood circulation/improve blood circulation;
- Muscles will become stronger;
- Eliminates muscle tension — helps after a workout;
- The decrease formations of fat;
- Tightening of the skin;
- Increase efficiency during exercise.
The principle of operation
For all types of corrective belts generally possible to distinguish the principle of their action — the formation of a dense shell and heating problem areas. The main purpose of belts — not to allow to cool to the natural temperature of the body only in some areas. During training, the body itself secretes a fluid for cooling, allowing to maintain the optimal temperature. All types of zones aimed at strengthening the sweating and subsequent fluid loss. Consider in more detail the principle of operation of basic types of zones.
Depending on the mechanism, there are 3 main principle of the zone:
- Thermal action on problem areas increases metabolism, accelerates the excretion of toxins.
- The effect of vibration of the belt has a massage effect.
- Pulse action reduces the abdominal muscles.
- To understand what a belt for belly slimming and removing fat is necessary for you, we offer you to read more about each type.
Thermo belt
Advertising placed on the Internet and the reviews promise that the slimming belt with sauna effect (thermal zone) will allow in the shortest time become the owner of a flat and toned belly. How do they work? When wearing the belt, in the area of the sides creates the effect of "hot sauna", concentrating on a single area of the body. The result is sweating, subcutaneous fat is slowly burned.
Thermo belt is a device that helps to only a certain category of people with excess weight 10-15 pounds. In these cases, elastic belt with sauna effect can help with the main reason for the appearance of subcutaneous fat — fluid retention in the tissues and the appearance of swelling. Keep in mind that buying a belt for belly slimming you will be able to effectively deal with excess weight on other parts of the body: neck, thighs or buttocks.
Budget option
The easiest thermo slimming belt abdomen consists of neoprene and lycra. The costs of such corrective belt minimum for owners of overweight, but the effect is also unlikely. From the outside, this belt is made from lycra, and the inside is made of a substance inside the product is filled with neoprene. Fat burning is unlikely to succeed when wearing such a belt (given the reviews about wearing in a few months), if you want to achieve tightening of the stomach, then wear the belt and exercise. An integrated approach warms the belt helps combined with exercise will increase sweating and will help remove the extra pounds.
Massage belt

A variety of weight-loss drugs are massage belts. Their work focuses on the premise of electric pulses to certain zones. In the zone are massage balls, which accelerate the process of burning fat. In addition, the belt material is elastic and has a thermal effect, due to the passing through it of electrical impulses.
During vibration, the muscles relax, eliminates fatigue, as a result of wearing the belt from tissues derived from lactic acid, metabolic processes are accelerated. Vibro slimming belt belly — an alternative to conventional massage to maintain muscle tone. Customer reviews indicate that most often acquire the product for relaxation and remove tension in the muscle, not burning fat.
After analyzing the feedback about the use of massage zones, we can conclude that his purchase is suitable only with an integrated approach to weight loss.
Electric belt
More effective, compared with the simple thermal zone is an electric belt. Stimulator or electric belt — elastic product that has physical therapy effect at home. Its outer side is made from lycra, inner thermo substances, and in the middle is the special device which is powered by electricity Design causes the contraction of the muscles, under the influence of electric current. The purpose of stimulator — eliminate tension in the muscles after a workout, bring them in tone and make the skin more elastic. Most manufacturers specify limiting instructions on the use of no more than 10 minutes on one area.
Customer reviews of electric belts give reason for reflection, because after wearing it improves external condition of the skin areas. However, excess weight with problem areas, does not disappear, leaving the folds of fat the same.
How to choose slimming belt
If you decide to buy a slimming belt, it is advised to follow basic selection criteria: the purpose and price. We will understand more details on this issue.
The purpose of the purchase
For those who are struggling with excess weight in the abdomen — it is best to buy an electric belt or thermal properties. Wear these types of belts during workouts for quick weight loss. Customer reviews unanimously claim that wearing thermal and electric belts without proper nutrition and exercise pointless.
In the presence of fat folds more than 3 cm in the reviews and ads claim that you should buy massage belt. Put it on after a workout for quick muscle recovery and relieve fatigue. In addition to the relaxation operation, massagers help to increase the effectiveness of the workout by 10%.
Today, slimming belt are available in different price categories. Cheapest elastic waist is $ 10 for a quality massage or electric will have to pay ten times more.
Regardless of the amount spent, always choose a well-known manufacturer, check the documents and verify the warranty obligations on the belt.
Rules for the use of
To wearing a weight belt was successful and did not harm the organism — consider the following guidelines.
For electrical and thermal zones
Always use the product on a cotton shirt without excess tightening. Remember to wear elastic waistband is during training, the total time of the exposure apparatus and the density should not exceed 6 hours. Then take a shower and put on certain areas of the moisturizer for body. Regularly wash the belt by hand in warm water not exceeding 40 degrees.
For massage belts
For safe carrying of the massage belts should know that wearing the device should not more than 30 minutes. Do not wear the device on wet body, preferably under the bottom to wear a cotton t-shirt. The appearance of discomfort — cease the massage.
The negative side belts
Reviews about wearing all kinds of belts suggest the following shortcomings of the zones:
- When wearing belts, body temperature significantly increased, resulting in reduced total number of exercises, the workout becomes less effective.
- A tight belt will result in the reduction of blood circulation in a certain area and break down layers of fat will be much slower.

Manufacturers of belts recognized that the wearing of devices for weight loss can lead to irreversible consequences for health. Therefore, they show limitations in the use of easy way to lose weight. It is strictly forbidden to wear belts:
- Women during pregnancy and lactation;
- During diseases: epilepsy, heart on, thrombophlebitis, kidney;
- After the rehabilitation period;
- People with bone, metal implants;
- Wearing belts of various types — a purely personal matter which requires the advice of a doctor.